Victoria Road School Community Regeneration Project
31/10/23, 22:00
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Grampian Housing Association and Torry Development Trust redevelop the former Victoria Road School site and buildings.
As of 19th June 2019, the site of Victoria Road School was sold to our development partner, Grampian Housing Association. Initial safeguarding works have started and will be completed before the end of September.
The formal notice to confirm the submission of a planning application was lodged on Wednesday 14th August and consultations began in early September. A clean-up of the sites was undertaken to coincide with Doors Open Day in September 2019 and we aim to organise another site clean-up when present circumstances allow.
We have now gained planning approval for our project! Please check over the 3D video of how the finished restoration and regeneration project will look through the following link:
Our shared ambition is for the vital restoration and construction works that will bring the buildings back into use should be on site by the end of Autumn 2020
Read more about the project and other related news on the Victoria Road School website the VRS Facebook page and also on our Twitter page @vicroadschool